Celebrate FelizHanuKwanzaFestimas!
Democrats for Neighborhood Action
Enjoy the company of your fellow Democratic activists and hear updates from our elected officials or their representatives.
6:45-9 pm
Dinner and cash bar
Casita Del Campo, 1920 Hyperion Ave., Silver Lake
with a fantastic menu of Mexican Specialties
$45 per person
And while you’re writing out your check,
how about paying your 2022 DNA membership dues at the same time?
$25 per person, $40 per couple ($5 off if you pay before December 16th)
Very Important: Please RSVP by Wednesday, December 15th to
Please make checks payable to:
P.O. Box 27607
Los Angeles, CA 90027
or pay online: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/dna-cadem