Individual Annual Membership Dues are $25; Family Memberships (any two members of the same household) are $40.

If you would like to join DNA but paying dues would impose a financial hardship at this time, please request a waiver using the contact form below.* Your request will be confidential. Every member in good standing enjoys full voting rights at DNA meetings whether they have paid their dues or requested a waiver. Members must be in good standing for at least 45 days to vote on candidate endorsements.

If you wish to pay with credit card online click here.

If you wish to pay your dues by check, please send your Membership Dues Payments by mail to the following address:

Democrats for Neighborhood Action

P.O. Box 27607
Los Angeles, CA 90027


(747) 221-4241


General Inquiries


*To contact Democrats for Neighborhood Action, please submit the form below and we will respond as quickly as possible.